Category Archives: Nutrition News

Olive Oil Benefits Still Superior Even When Heated in Cooking.

Olive Oil Benefits Still Superior Even When Heated in Cooking.

Olive oil is the main source of fat in Mediterranean regions and now is becoming very popular among other countries including United States, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Australia and others. The popularity of this oil is mostly due to its nutritional benefits. Why is olive oil different from other vegetable oils? First of all, olive fruitsContinue Reading

Can Nutrition Labeling Affect Eating Behavior?

Can Nutrition Labeling Affect Eating Behavior?

According to the latest research done by University in UK –it can and it does! The research contained 24 men and 23 women, average 37 years old, that had normal-to-overweight body weight. Male participants were significantly overweight compared to women participants, which were normal weight. Participants were offered three ,exactly-the-same, lunches with different Caloric labelsContinue Reading

Which Costs More Healthy or Unhealthy Diets?

Which Costs More Healthy or Unhealthy Diets?

It has often been said that people eat unhealthy diets because it’s less expensive than a healthy diet. Many people survive off small budgets and need to save money wherever possible, including food. Researchers at Harvard University decided to take a scientific approach and analyzed 27 studies published between 2000-2011 that included prices of individualContinue Reading

Introduction of Solid Foods Affects Allergy Development

Introduction of Solid Foods Affects Allergy Development

There are many people who suffer from allergies, and for some something as common as peanuts may be deadly; others cannot tolerate milk. Perhaps our diets as children have affected what allergies we obtain. According to the University of Southampton, introducing foods into a baby’s diet after 17 week may decrease the chances of foodContinue Reading

Can Pizza be Considered Healthy?

Can Pizza be Considered Healthy?

After a long day sometimes making dinner is the last thing I want to do.  An easy alternative to making dinner is pizza.  Call my husband up and ask “hey can you pick up some pizza on your way home?” Dinner done check that off!  Pizza has been thought of as a classic “junk food”Continue Reading

Natural Food Colors – Maybe Not What You Expect, Unless You Expect Insects  in Your Fruit Juices, Yogurts and More.

Natural Food Colors – Maybe Not What You Expect, Unless You Expect Insects in Your Fruit Juices, Yogurts and More.

Remember when as kids we joked that the grape flavored gum with purple color was made of bugs? Maybe that was not a joke, but a legend. An insect, cochineal, is used for dyes in many food products, such as juices (cranberry, strawberry, pomegranate) and ice creams, yogurts and so forth.  Other products that containContinue Reading

How to Reduce Carcinogens in Your Steak

How to Reduce Carcinogens in Your Steak

Cooking meat has several benefits: killing bacteria, making it easily digestible, improving texture, and probably most expected- improving flavor. But did you know compounds in your meat change during the heating process and become carcinogenic? The formation of carcinogens is a result of the reaction between creatine (muscle energy), free amino acids (building blocks ofContinue Reading

Antifertility & Contraception Fruit – Papaya

Antifertility & Contraception Fruit – Papaya

Papaya has been used for medicinal purposes for several hundred years in tropical and subtropical regions, where it is actually grown. It is known in Africa for several famous healing properties, including prevention of miscarriage. This is one of the interesting examples where the old belief is not supported by science. Furthermore, experiments show theContinue Reading

Foods that May Boost Fertility

Foods that May Boost Fertility

Food affects almost every aspect of health including fertility.  Women who watch their weight and eat a Mediterranean-style diet may increase their chance of becoming pregnant. The Mediterranean-style diet is high is vegetables, fish, beans, and vegetable oils.  Good eating habits not only effect fertility, they effect the fetus and the chance of complications withContinue Reading

Saturated Fat May Be Safe for the Heart and Arteries

Saturated Fat May Be Safe for the Heart and Arteries

You probably have heard about the new popular diet, “Paleo diet”, revered by fans of crossfit and heavy weight lifting. In short, this diet is trying to simulate a cave man diet. Those people eliminate sugars and grains and substitute it with the more meat, eggs and fat in their meals. They also probably toldContinue Reading