Category Archives: Nutrition News

Nutritional Benefits of Parsley

Nutritional Benefits of Parsley

When I try a new recipe and it states “garnish with parsley” I usually ignore it.  Does that little bit of green really affect the taste or add all that much nutrition? I thought it was just a way to make your dish look fancy. Parsley is actually a great way to add some nutrients without addingContinue Reading

Benefits of Potatoes

Benefits of Potatoes

My husband grew up on a farm in Idaho and since being married to him, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write about potatoes.  Usually when looking at fruits and vegetables, it is easy for the average nutrition-conscious shopper to associate certain colors of vegetables with a higher level of nutritional value.  For example, the luscious green color of broccoli, theContinue Reading

The Easiest Way to Lose Weight and Stop Night Cravings!

The Easiest Way to Lose Weight and Stop Night Cravings!

What if there would be a way to lose some weight without exercise, supplementation or dieting? What if you could “melt” your body fat by simply eating at the “right time” of the day? Recent research suggests people who eat their most energy of the day during the first part of the day may reduceContinue Reading

Detoxification with Zeolite, Clinoptilolite Mineral

Detoxification with Zeolite, Clinoptilolite Mineral

In the past few years there is a growing interest in body detoxification.  First of all what is detoxification and why would one need one? Detoxification is medicinal or physiological removal of toxic substances. By pulling out toxic metals (such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and aluminum and other heavy metals) from the body, youContinue Reading

Probiotics Effect on Blood Pressure

Probiotics Effect on Blood Pressure

Probiotics are microorganisms found in our gut that aid our health.  Probiotics can be found is some yogurts and supplements.  A study done by School of Medicine and Griffith Health Institute analyzed the effect that consuming probiotics had on blood pressure.  543 adults were analyzed from nine different studies. Researchers found that those who consumedContinue Reading

Does a Diverse Diet Affect Our Microflora?

Does a Diverse Diet Affect Our Microflora?

Year-after-year nutritionists keep teaching us to eat varieties of foods to get the most nutrients. Who would argue this concept? The more diverse foods are consumed the greater chance we have of getting different nutrients from the different sources. When we think about health of our microflora we think of addition of probiotics or prebioticsContinue Reading

Does Diet before Pregnancy Affect Babies?

Does Diet before Pregnancy Affect Babies?

Women who eat healthy before becoming pregnant are 50% less likely to have a preterm birth!  A preterm birth is when a child is born before 37 weeks gestational age, also referred to as “preemie”.  A study done by the University of Adelaide investigated the diets of 300 Australian women before conception. Results showed that women who ateContinue Reading

The New Diet: Listening to When You are Hungry….Then Eat.

The New Diet: Listening to When You are Hungry….Then Eat.

Diets that restrict calories have been proven to help the public lose weight, however, most gain the weight back in a short period of time after stopping the diet. In the article entitled, “Sensory-Based Nutrition Pilot Intervention for Women,” the researchers evaluated the effects on women’s weight and overall feelings towards food as they attendContinue Reading

Looking for a healthy smile? Try probiotics!

Looking for a healthy smile? Try probiotics!

Scientific evidence suggests that probiotics may play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy smile. Results from a recent study provide strong evidence that probiotics can decrease the risk of carries, protect against oral disease and improve overall oral health (2). These results, along with other research, offer a new approach to the future ofContinue Reading

Can Artificially Sweetened and Diet Beverages Affect your Intake of Sweets and Calories?

Can Artificially Sweetened and Diet Beverages Affect your Intake of Sweets and Calories?

There is a vast amount of research and opinions circulating the nutrition industry around artificial sweeteners and their affects on our diets. Consumers are constantly advised conflicting information. One idea is that artificial sweeteners in foods such as diet beverages increase one’s dietary intake and desire for sugary foods. A recent study done by PiernasContinue Reading