Category Archives: Foods

Things You Didn’t Know About Shellfish

Things You Didn’t Know About Shellfish

Shellfish are marine animals that have a hard shell. This includes crab, shrimp, and lobster which are defined as crustaceans, and the mollusk family which includes oysters and clams.  Shellfish offer some great nutritional value to any diet. First they are high in protein which is essential for building and maintaining tissues in our bodies.Continue Reading

Avocado Effects on Satiety

Avocado Effects on Satiety

My ideal way of eating avocado is it buried in 7-layer chip dip; I just can’t bring myself to eat avocado plain. However, after reviewing a recent study, maybe I’ll try and change my opinion.  A study from Loma Linda University shows that avocado may increase satiety (feeling full or satisfied)  when eaten during lunch. This study involved 26 healthy butContinue Reading

Can Pizza be Considered Healthy?

Can Pizza be Considered Healthy?

After a long day sometimes making dinner is the last thing I want to do.  An easy alternative to making dinner is pizza.  Call my husband up and ask “hey can you pick up some pizza on your way home?” Dinner done check that off!  Pizza has been thought of as a classic “junk food”Continue Reading

Natural Food Colors – Maybe Not What You Expect, Unless You Expect Insects  in Your Fruit Juices, Yogurts and More.

Natural Food Colors – Maybe Not What You Expect, Unless You Expect Insects in Your Fruit Juices, Yogurts and More.

Remember when as kids we joked that the grape flavored gum with purple color was made of bugs? Maybe that was not a joke, but a legend. An insect, cochineal, is used for dyes in many food products, such as juices (cranberry, strawberry, pomegranate) and ice creams, yogurts and so forth.  Other products that containContinue Reading

How to Reduce Carcinogens in Your Steak

How to Reduce Carcinogens in Your Steak

Cooking meat has several benefits: killing bacteria, making it easily digestible, improving texture, and probably most expected- improving flavor. But did you know compounds in your meat change during the heating process and become carcinogenic? The formation of carcinogens is a result of the reaction between creatine (muscle energy), free amino acids (building blocks ofContinue Reading

Antifertility & Contraception Fruit – Papaya

Antifertility & Contraception Fruit – Papaya

Papaya has been used for medicinal purposes for several hundred years in tropical and subtropical regions, where it is actually grown. It is known in Africa for several famous healing properties, including prevention of miscarriage. This is one of the interesting examples where the old belief is not supported by science. Furthermore, experiments show theContinue Reading

Benefits of Cinnamon

Benefits of Cinnamon

Fall is here–which means pumpkins, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. My fall favorites are pumpkin cookies and pumpkin pie, one ingredient found in both of these is cinnamon.  Does cinnamon have any effect of health?  Cinnamon comes from branches of tress native to Southeast Asia, South America, and the Caribbean.   There are two types of cinnamon oneContinue Reading

Is Almond Milk Good for You?

Is Almond Milk Good for You?

Almond milk is made by grounding almonds with water and is often used as a substitute for dairy milk. It can be a great alternative to those that are lactose intolerant because it contains no lactose. For those who suffer from soy allergies, almond milk may be good for you as well because it containsContinue Reading

Peanut Butter May Guard Against Breast Cancer

Peanut Butter May Guard Against Breast Cancer

A recent study published in the journal Breast Cancer Research and Treatment found that women who eat peanut butter or peanuts at a young age may decrease their chances for breast cancer.    Dr. Graham Colditz and his colleagues found that girls ages 9-15 who ate nuts and peanut butter twice a week were 39 %Continue Reading

Carbonation Effects on Brain and Sweetness Perception

Carbonation Effects on Brain and Sweetness Perception

In a recent study, researchers have found that carbonation alters how the brain perceives sweetness.  Specifically, carbonation makes it harder for the brain to distinguish the difference between sugar and artificial sweeteners. Researchers used MRI to monitor changes in brain activity in response to natural and artificially sweetened carbonated beverages. The results identify a puzzlingContinue Reading