Category Archives: Nutrition News

Fruit May Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Fruit May Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Do you want to know another reason why eating fruits maybe beneficial to your diet?  A recent study done by the Harvard School of Public Heath shows that eating fruit may decrease your risk of type 2 diabetes.  Researchers gathered information from the Nurses’ Health Study, Nurses’ Health Study II, and Health Professionals Follow-up study. Continue Reading

Memory Problems? Another Reason to Decrease Salt Consumption.

Memory Problems? Another Reason to Decrease Salt Consumption.

Have you ever wondered why aging is associated with high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, memory difficulties (sometimes even with Alzheimer’s disease) and Anxiety? Could it be related to the nutritional influences?Continue Reading

Sugar Coated Findings

Sugar Coated Findings

Sugar consumption has increased 50% since 1970s in the American Diet.   This is one reason why diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease has also increased.  A study done by the University of Utah show that sugar is toxic to mice even in “safe” doses. This study was an animal trial in which mice were given oneContinue Reading

Football Fans’ Diets Affected by Thier Team’s Losses

Football Fans’ Diets Affected by Thier Team’s Losses

Are you a sport fan? Can you think of what you ate after your team won (or was defeated) last time? A recent study showed that fan’s next day food choices depend on their game’s outcome. Association of Psychological Science recently published a new study “From Fan to Fat? Vicarious Unhealthy Eating, but Self-Affirmation IsContinue Reading

The Nutty Truth: Nuts Exhibit Potential Health Benefits

The Nutty Truth: Nuts Exhibit Potential Health Benefits

Did you know that fruit and vegetable consumption in the United States has declined?  Fruits and vegetables are important to the diet because they contain compounds called polyphenols.  There is also one other food source that contains this helpful compound that many would overlook—nuts.  Polyphenols act as antioxidants and may help with some health problemsContinue Reading

Do You Eat an Avocado with Your Hamburger?

Do You Eat an Avocado with Your Hamburger?

If you answer “No, I already have plenty of fat in my burger from meat; but I do add avocado to my salad” – then you are not alone in this point of view. Many of us have heard about fats causing atherosclerosis, fats also cause oxidative damage. So, when we eat our burger, weContinue Reading

Mulberry May Help with Weight Management

Mulberry May Help with Weight Management

In recent years, scientists have been more and more attracted to investigate the benefits of fruits, vegetables, and their natural pigments. Many fruits have been found to possess antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory and lypoxygenase inhibition effects. Some fruits, vegetables and their extracts have shown to be preventive of diet-induced obesity. These include purple corn, black soybean, bloodContinue Reading

Eating Chocolate May Influence the Brain

Eating Chocolate May Influence the Brain

For me, chocolate has many uses. If I have an awful day, I fix it with chocolate.  If I just aced an exam, I celebrate with chocolate.  If a party or birthday celebration is underway, chocolate is bound to be present.  Some studies have shown benefits in consuming chocolate from decreasing blood pressure to improvingContinue Reading

Eating Grapes Associated with Healthier Eating Patterns

Eating Grapes Associated with Healthier Eating Patterns

Did you know grapes contain the following vitamins: vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, B6, magnesium, vitamin B12, and iron? Increased consumption of grapes may be associated with a better overall diet according to a recent observational cross-sectional survey published in the Journal of Food Science.  After analyzing the diets of more than 221,800 children andContinue Reading

Skipping Breakfast May Increase Risk for Coronary Heart Disease

Skipping Breakfast May Increase Risk for Coronary Heart Disease

“Beep beep beep”— this familiar sound wakes many in the morning in order to make it to work on time.  Who doesn’t love the snooze button?  Although this increases sleep time, it also decreases the amount of time one has to get ready, often resulting in skipping breakfast.  A prospective study done showed that menContinue Reading