Category Archives: Women’s Health and Maternity

Going Gluten-Free: Are We Getting Enough Nutrients?

Going Gluten-Free: Are We Getting Enough Nutrients?

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that affects the G.I. tract and it has many symptoms involved. The best way to help prevent these symptoms is by going on a gluten-free diet. But what about the nutrients that gluten lacks that these people are losing? The study performed by Shepherd, SJ and Gibson, PR inContinue Reading

Antifertility & Contraception Fruit – Papaya

Antifertility & Contraception Fruit – Papaya

Papaya has been used for medicinal purposes for several hundred years in tropical and subtropical regions, where it is actually grown. It is known in Africa for several famous healing properties, including prevention of miscarriage. This is one of the interesting examples where the old belief is not supported by science. Furthermore, experiments show theContinue Reading

Foods that May Boost Fertility

Foods that May Boost Fertility

Food affects almost every aspect of health including fertility.  Women who watch their weight and eat a Mediterranean-style diet may increase their chance of becoming pregnant. The Mediterranean-style diet is high is vegetables, fish, beans, and vegetable oils.  Good eating habits not only effect fertility, they effect the fetus and the chance of complications withContinue Reading

Peanut Butter May Guard Against Breast Cancer

Peanut Butter May Guard Against Breast Cancer

A recent study published in the journal Breast Cancer Research and Treatment found that women who eat peanut butter or peanuts at a young age may decrease their chances for breast cancer.    Dr. Graham Colditz and his colleagues found that girls ages 9-15 who ate nuts and peanut butter twice a week were 39 %Continue Reading

Maternal Diet May be Responsible for the Sex of Newborn

Maternal Diet May be Responsible for the Sex of Newborn

Have you ever noticed an imbalance of the sexes in different countries including the US? Does it seem that we are having more baby boys than girls in the US? Have you noticed that some parents can’t conceive girls no matter what they try? There are a lot of beliefs, strategies and biological techniques onContinue Reading

Maternal “junk food” Eating may Set Baby’s Food Preferences

Maternal “junk food” Eating may Set Baby’s Food Preferences

It is known that the periods during pregnancy and lactation are especially important for baby’s prenatal and postnatal development. But could the pregnancy meals be important for baby’s postnatal food preferences? To answer this question, Z.Y.Ong and B.S. Muhlhausler conducted a study at the University of South Australia. Previous studies showed that maternal overnutrition canContinue Reading

Evidence for Bone Reversal Properties of a Calcium- Collagen Chelate, a Novel Dietary Supplement KoACT.

Evidence for Bone Reversal Properties of a Calcium- Collagen Chelate, a Novel Dietary Supplement KoACT.

By 2012, approximately 12 million Americans over 50 years old are expected to have osteoporosis. One half of all postmenopausal women will have an osteoporosis-related fracture during their lifetime; 25% of these women will develop a vertebral deformity, and 15% will experience a hip fracture.Continue Reading