Author Archives: Emilee Firth

Can Consuming Yogurt Decrease the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes?

Can Consuming Yogurt Decrease the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes?

A recent study published in the Diabetologia journal showed that the consumption of yogurt could decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes by 28%.  Researchers at the University of Cambridge found that those with higher consumption of low fat dairy products, including low fat cheeses and yogurt, reduced the risk of diabetes by 24% overall. ThisContinue Reading

Things You Didn’t Know About Shellfish

Things You Didn’t Know About Shellfish

Shellfish are marine animals that have a hard shell. This includes crab, shrimp, and lobster which are defined as crustaceans, and the mollusk family which includes oysters and clams.  Shellfish offer some great nutritional value to any diet. First they are high in protein which is essential for building and maintaining tissues in our bodies.Continue Reading

Avocado Effects on Satiety

Avocado Effects on Satiety

My ideal way of eating avocado is it buried in 7-layer chip dip; I just can’t bring myself to eat avocado plain. However, after reviewing a recent study, maybe I’ll try and change my opinion.  A study from Loma Linda University shows that avocado may increase satiety (feeling full or satisfied)  when eaten during lunch. This study involved 26 healthy butContinue Reading

Which Costs More Healthy or Unhealthy Diets?

Which Costs More Healthy or Unhealthy Diets?

It has often been said that people eat unhealthy diets because it’s less expensive than a healthy diet. Many people survive off small budgets and need to save money wherever possible, including food. Researchers at Harvard University decided to take a scientific approach and analyzed 27 studies published between 2000-2011 that included prices of individualContinue Reading

Introduction of Solid Foods Affects Allergy Development

Introduction of Solid Foods Affects Allergy Development

There are many people who suffer from allergies, and for some something as common as peanuts may be deadly; others cannot tolerate milk. Perhaps our diets as children have affected what allergies we obtain. According to the University of Southampton, introducing foods into a baby’s diet after 17 week may decrease the chances of foodContinue Reading

Can Pizza be Considered Healthy?

Can Pizza be Considered Healthy?

After a long day sometimes making dinner is the last thing I want to do.  An easy alternative to making dinner is pizza.  Call my husband up and ask “hey can you pick up some pizza on your way home?” Dinner done check that off!  Pizza has been thought of as a classic “junk food”Continue Reading

Foods that May Boost Fertility

Foods that May Boost Fertility

Food affects almost every aspect of health including fertility.  Women who watch their weight and eat a Mediterranean-style diet may increase their chance of becoming pregnant. The Mediterranean-style diet is high is vegetables, fish, beans, and vegetable oils.  Good eating habits not only effect fertility, they effect the fetus and the chance of complications withContinue Reading

Pumpkin Cookies

Pumpkin Cookies

2 cups flour 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg Mix together 1/2 cup butter 1 cup pack brown sugar 1 egg 1 cup canned pumpkin 1 tsp vanilla Chocolate chips Bake 375 degrees for 13 minutesContinue Reading

Benefits of Cinnamon

Benefits of Cinnamon

Fall is here–which means pumpkins, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. My fall favorites are pumpkin cookies and pumpkin pie, one ingredient found in both of these is cinnamon.  Does cinnamon have any effect of health?  Cinnamon comes from branches of tress native to Southeast Asia, South America, and the Caribbean.   There are two types of cinnamon oneContinue Reading

Is Almond Milk Good for You?

Is Almond Milk Good for You?

Almond milk is made by grounding almonds with water and is often used as a substitute for dairy milk. It can be a great alternative to those that are lactose intolerant because it contains no lactose. For those who suffer from soy allergies, almond milk may be good for you as well because it containsContinue Reading