• Those findings are pretty convincing. In my own research, I found that the sourdough fermentation uses the lactic acid to stabilize the wheat germ, which holds gluten. This difference in fermentation of sourdough also enhances the nutritional value of the bread. All of these benefits are due to the lactobacilli which does the fermentation, by…[Read more]

  • Diet plays a significant role in hypertension, whether it be increasing the risk or preventing it. Appel et al developed a study of dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH). It was proven that a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy products lowers blood pressure by a significant amount (1). Sacks et all conducted a similar…[Read more]

  • Can the gluten sensitive population tolerate sourdough bread because it ferments slower than other breads? Should they be encouraged to eat it?

  • Leah Franson became a registered member 10 years, 1 month ago