Brianna Hardisty replied to the topic Intuitive Eating in the forum Ask a Nutritionist 10 years, 10 months ago
I agree that having a good relationship with food is the most important thing in maintaining a healthy weight and having a positive self image. In a study that looked at 189 nurses that were “chronic dieters” found that those that continually disregarded hunger cues and were dieters were more likely to be over-weight over their lifetime or were…[Read more]
Brianna Hardisty replied to the topic food and bone health in the forum Ask a Nutritionist 10 years, 10 months ago
The NIH has updated their requirements for calcium intake recommendations for different ages in November of 2010. The recommendations for people ages 9-18 are 1300mg, ages 19-70 1000 mg and ages 70 or more is 1200mg. Another key nutrient in the prevention of bone loss is vitamin D. The recommendations for vitamin D are as follows: people who are…[Read more]
Brianna Hardisty started the topic Intuitive Eating in the forum Ask a Nutritionist 10 years, 11 months ago
What is better for weight loss, eating until you are full (mindful/intuitive eating) or a certain diet such as Paleo or south Beach Diet?
Brianna Hardisty became a registered member 10 years, 11 months ago