Ashley replied to the topic Glycemic Index in the forum Ask a Nutritionist 10 years, 11 months ago
That’s a great question! Thank you for addressing this issue! The glycemic index (GI) is used to show “how equal amounts of carbohydrates in different foods raise blood sugar.” (1). In addition, the glycemic load (GL) reflects “both the quality and quantity of carbohydrates in a serving.” (1) Low GI foods (such as brown rice) generally have more…[Read more]
Ashley replied to the topic Does Obesity Increase Mortality Risk? in the forum Ask a Nutritionist 10 years, 12 months ago
Thank you for responses! As you both mentioned, research has predominantly shown that an increased BMI is associated with an increased risk of death (1). However, I do appreciate your statement, “weight is not the only risk factor associated with [chronic disease].” I recently came across a more recent study showing a significant percentage of…[Read more]
ashleybrine started the topic Does Obesity Increase Mortality Risk? in the forum Ask a Nutritionist 11 years, 1 month ago
Does being overweight or obese really increase the risk of death?