Category Archives: Health

Omega-3 in Children is Associated with Cognitive Performance and Behavior

Omega-3 in Children is Associated with Cognitive Performance and Behavior

The majority of children do not like fish oil; interestingly, fish oil is one of the most important nutrients necessary for achieving good grades at elementary school. A UK cross-sectional study of 493 school children has shown that omega-3 may play a valuable role in cognitive performance. Surprisingly, not only were children shown to haveContinue Reading

Omega-3 and Prostate Cancer

Omega-3 and Prostate Cancer

A big buzz about an Omega-3 intake and prostate cancer study done by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute spread over the media like a plague, possibly horrifying and confusing the population. Fortunately, shocking news does not necessarily hold much truth if any at all. After reviewing this meta-analysis study, there were several bigContinue Reading