Replenishing Electrolytes

Replenishing Electrolytes

Electrolytes are minerals such as sodium and potassium that are essential for normal bodily function, but during exercise these substances are lost in sweat. In just an hour of moderate physical activity it is possible to sweat about 2 liters and each liter of perspiration contains around .9 grams of sodium and .2 grams of potassium. In order to keep the body functioning normally these lost electrolytes need to be replaced post-workout.

If you are used to eating a post workout meals then chances are pretty good that you are already getting the nutrients you need to replenish the lost electrolytes from your workout. However, for those that find it hard to eat after working out it may be worth considering juice or a sports drink like Gatorade. These drinks are designed to supply the nutrients you need to get your body back on track and ready for the next workout and have the added bonus of helping you replace the water you lose with sweat.

Food Ideas:
— Fruits are a great choice to store potassium levels as well as get in some of the carbohydrates that are needed post-workout. Avocado, bananas, and citrus fruits are all great choices after a workout.
— Juice is another good choice, and they are often fortified with all the nutrients you need and come in just about any flavor you can think of.
— Post-workout supplements and protein supplements are also great as many of them are loaded with not only protein and carbs but electrolytes to help with recovery.
— Simple carb sources like cold cereals, crackers, pretzels, and sports drinks are great to help restore sodium levels. These are also often fortified with vitamins and minerals, cereals especially.

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