Healthy Eating Tips

Healthy Eating Tips

Sometimes, it is hard to know exactly what it means to eat healthy.  What do you eat and how? Of course this is open to a great amount of subjectivity, a lot of complex science and even more unknowns.  However,  this list of 10 tips for eating healthy is a good basic guide and starting point to healthier eating.

  1. Perimeter Grocery Shopping – The freshest and whole foods are on the perimeter of the store( produce, meats and dairy.) Concentrate the largest part of your diet from these departments. It will help you avoid excess salt and unhealthy sugars and fats commonly found in the processed packaged foods on the middle aisles.
  2. Limit sugary foods with lots of added refined sugar. Usually, store bought donuts, cakes, cookies, sodas and most non-refrigerated juices are loaded with refined sugars (white cane sugar, high fructose or corn syrup.) Consuming large quantities of sugar will increase your cravings for more sugar. Eat low glycemic-index foods to help reduce cravings.
  3. Avoid packaged foods. Most have lots of additives, colors, preservatives, refined sugars and grains , low quality fats and other ingredients. Items that can be healthy in moderation are whole grain, low-sugar cereals, granola bars without refined sugars and trans-fats, dried beans, pasta and rice. Purchase condiments without high fructose or corn syrup.
  4. Avoid highly-refined foods. White bread , white and bleached flour, most beverages other than natural juices, white sugar, corn syrup, trans fats and other processed fats are all refined or processed foods. Limit white rice and white pasta and opt for whole grain products and natural sweeteners like honey and real maple syrup (not pancake syrup which is flavored and colored corn syrup.)
  5. Avoid eating-out often. Its very expensive to maintain perishable ingredients. So, most restaurants use many processed foods high in added sugar, salt and low-quality cheap fats like margarine. Also, most serve small fruit and vegetable portions and over cook the vegetables.
  6. Consume more poly-unsaturated fats (vegetable oils) than saturated fats (animal fats.) It is healthiest to use high quality cold-pressed oils like virgin olive oil – avoid cooking or over heating these oils to get the most nutritional benefits.
  7. Snack sensibly – yogurts (without added refined sugars), nuts (avoid peanuts), fruits, whole grains – granola (without trans-fats)..all make healthier snacks than candies, chips and cakes or cookies.
  8. Eat as many raw foods as possible – avoid cooking vegetables or lightly cook them. note: some vegetables, especially legumes must be boiled before they can be consumed safely..
  9. Eat a balanced diet (mostly fruits and vegetables, moderate amount of whole grains, cereals, limited meats, fats, dairy.)
  10. Avoid fad dieting. Consuming diet aids, and large amounts of one food item ( protein, grapefruit, coffee, green tea etc.) is generally not an advised way to healthy weight-loss.

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