Category Archives: Health

Help for Parents of Young Picky Eaters

Help for Parents of Young Picky Eaters

Most parents know that once children decide they don’t like a certain food, getting them to eat it is near impossible.  Consequently, many children do not obtain the daily recommended amount of fruits and vegetables.  It may be difficult getting children to eat green veggies when they have other options such as their favorite chickenContinue Reading

High Fructose Corn Syrup vs. Sucrose: Does it really matter?

High Fructose Corn Syrup vs. Sucrose: Does it really matter?

Sucrose and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) are common ingredients found in many processed foods. High US import taxes on sucrose and a more shelf stable product made HFCS the frontrunner of sugar and sweetener’s used to help manufacturer’s reduce production costs. An association made by handful of researchers between the increased use of HFCSContinue Reading

Guidelines for Weight Loss and Management

Guidelines for Weight Loss and Management

The basic principle of weight loss is simple; calories consumed must be less than the calories burned. In order to create this imbalance there are two main approaches, either limit daily caloric intake, exercise to use more calories in the day, or use a combination of both. The purpose of this article is to giveContinue Reading

What’s the Secret to a Healthy Gut?

What’s the Secret to a Healthy Gut?

Majority of us have heard that we should consume yogurt daily to keep our gut healthy. Yogurt contains some live bacteria (Bifidobacteria) that is found to be plentiful in healthy individuals. Two terms are associated with the healthy gut, probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria that are beneficial to the human gut. Yogurt isContinue Reading

Peanut Butter May Guard Against Breast Cancer

Peanut Butter May Guard Against Breast Cancer

A recent study published in the journal Breast Cancer Research and Treatment found that women who eat peanut butter or peanuts at a young age may decrease their chances for breast cancer.    Dr. Graham Colditz and his colleagues found that girls ages 9-15 who ate nuts and peanut butter twice a week were 39 %Continue Reading

Maternal Diet May be Responsible for the Sex of Newborn

Maternal Diet May be Responsible for the Sex of Newborn

Have you ever noticed an imbalance of the sexes in different countries including the US? Does it seem that we are having more baby boys than girls in the US? Have you noticed that some parents can’t conceive girls no matter what they try? There are a lot of beliefs, strategies and biological techniques onContinue Reading

Carbonation Effects on Brain and Sweetness Perception

Carbonation Effects on Brain and Sweetness Perception

In a recent study, researchers have found that carbonation alters how the brain perceives sweetness.  Specifically, carbonation makes it harder for the brain to distinguish the difference between sugar and artificial sweeteners. Researchers used MRI to monitor changes in brain activity in response to natural and artificially sweetened carbonated beverages. The results identify a puzzlingContinue Reading

Sleep Deprivation May Cause Your Afternoon Food Cravings, Leading to Obesity

Sleep Deprivation May Cause Your Afternoon Food Cravings, Leading to Obesity

Short sleep duration, less than 7 hours per night, increases the risk of being obese compared to those who sleep 7-8 hours per night. Previous studies showed this association several times, yet could not show a cause-effect relation due to some strong limitations of those studies. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the latestContinue Reading

Fruit May Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Fruit May Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Do you want to know another reason why eating fruits maybe beneficial to your diet?  A recent study done by the Harvard School of Public Heath shows that eating fruit may decrease your risk of type 2 diabetes.  Researchers gathered information from the Nurses’ Health Study, Nurses’ Health Study II, and Health Professionals Follow-up study. Continue Reading

Back to School

Back to School

Fall is here again and needless to say it is a busy time of year.  School starts again, classes and homework start to pile up, work schedules replace free time, and in our fast paced lifestyle it seems like everything is rushed.  With so much going on it’s easy to let healthy choices become replacedContinue Reading