Category Archives: Sports Nutrition

Protein, Protein, and Protein

Protein, Protein, and Protein

There are a wide variety of protein supplements out there, and while it is great to have options, it does make deciding which ones to use difficult.  Knowing the differences between some of these major proteins and when to use them can help you make educated decisions to enhance your diet and help with yourContinue Reading

Post-Workout Nutrition: Carbohydrates

Post-Workout Nutrition: Carbohydrates

When it comes to post-workout nutrition and supplements it seems that protein always steals the spotlight, and for good reason. There is no doubting the importance of protein in helping muscles grow and recover, however, it shouldn’t overshadow the another major player in muscle repair—carbohydrates. Continue Reading

Watermelon May Reduce After-Workout Soreness and Increase Athletic Performance

Watermelon May Reduce After-Workout Soreness and Increase Athletic Performance

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “watermelon”? Sweet, juicy, pink fruit, childhood, sunshine, picnic, pool party, and so on? Whatever it is, it is probably not associated with the gym, vitamins A, B6, C or people in a desert. There is so much more about the watermelon than just a sweetContinue Reading