Monthly Archives: October 2013

Is Almond Milk Good for You?

Is Almond Milk Good for You?

Almond milk is made by grounding almonds with water and is often used as a substitute for dairy milk. It can be a great alternative to those that are lactose intolerant because it contains no lactose. For those who suffer from soy allergies, almond milk may be good for you as well because it containsContinue Reading

Staying Hydrated for Better Performance

Staying Hydrated for Better Performance

Being properly hydrated is one of the single most important factors in physical performance. The body is made mostly of water and relies on it for optimal function, as soon as dehydration begins to set in these normal body systems become less efficient. Soon heart rates and body temperature are on the rise, it becomesContinue Reading

Why some people have Milk/Lactose-Intolerance

Why some people have Milk/Lactose-Intolerance

Some of us are consuming cow milk at least once daily with breakfast cereal, then cheese with our burger for lunch and cheese-cake or yogurt or even ice-cream for a snack or desert. But have you ever questioned of where and when we started consuming cow’s milk and for how long adult-humans have been consumingContinue Reading

Help for Parents of Young Picky Eaters

Help for Parents of Young Picky Eaters

Most parents know that once children decide they don’t like a certain food, getting them to eat it is near impossible.  Consequently, many children do not obtain the daily recommended amount of fruits and vegetables.  It may be difficult getting children to eat green veggies when they have other options such as their favorite chickenContinue Reading