The caffein buzz that helps us to face the morning is not the only benefit of coffee. Recent research shows that it may decrease rates of Parkinson’s disease, gallstones, type 2 diabetes, dementia, liver cancer, heart arrhythmia, stroke (in women), and even Alzheimer’s disease,
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Kale is one of those super-foods that most of us don’t eat very often. Not only does kale contain vitamin C, it is also an excellent source of beta-carotene (vitamin A about 17,000 IU), which believed help to fight against cancer, helps with night vision, heart disease and some age-related chronic diseases
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Prunes are a super-food star! First of all, one single prune contains more than half a gram of fiber. Prunes also contain a natural laxative, diphenylisatin, which is why prune juice is often used for constipation. Prunes also help...
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Whether fresh or dried, oregano is high in antioxidants. Indeed, it has the highest level of antioxidant of all herbs. Just one teaspoon of oregano has more antioxidants than a serving of almonds or asparagus, giving it serious disease fighting potential.
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Bok choy is low in calories and contains many phyto-nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. One cup of shredded bok choy has more than a full days intake of vitamin A and contains 52% recommended daily value of vitamin C.
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