High protein diet benefits.

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Renee Adams Renee Adams 10 years, 10 months ago.

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    Avatar of Renee Adams
    Renee Adams

    Is a Diet high in protein more beneficial for weight loss than a regular healthy diet? If so, is it beneficial for the general population or is it focused on a specific group of people?

    Avatar of Laura Watkins
    Laura Watkins

    Many people believe that a high protein diet will help them lose weight. Though there is some controversy on this, many studies have found no significant weight loss from high protein diets. A two year study was conducted to compare the effects of a diet high in fat, protein, and carbohydrate on weight loss in overweight adults. It was found that weight loss was similar in all diets regardless of the macronutrient emphasized (1). Another study, when comparing high protein to high carbohydrate, concluded equal effectiveness at reducing body weight and fat mass. They did, however, have participants report more satisfaction and less hunger with the high protein diet (2). The reason high protein diets are often recommended for weight loss is due to the fact that protein is satiating and will keep you full longer. In a medical weight loss article, it recommends a high protein diet for this reason. However, it is also made clear that losing weight isn’t about the amount of protein, but the calories consumed (3).
    1- F Sacks, et al. Comparison of Weight-Loss Diets with Different Compositions of Fat, Protein, and Carbohydrates. The New England Journal of Medicine. 3009;360:859-873
    2- C Johnston, S Tjonn, P Swan. High-Protein, Low-Fat Diets are Effective for Weight Loss and Favorably Alter Biomarkers in Healthy Adults. Journal of Nutrition. 2004;134(3):586-591.
    3- High Protein Diets: Can They Help You Lose Weight? The Center for Medical Weight Loss. Copyright 2007-2014.

    Avatar of Renee Adams
    Renee Adams

    I agree with your assessment. Research shows there is no one sure diet that causes more weight loss than other diets when looking at the general population. However when looking at certain groups of people (such as those with certain health problems) studies show a high protein diet can be more beneficial. For example I read a study (1) that compared a high protein diet to a conventional healthy diet in women with Polycysitc Ovarian Syndrome. The results showed that the women in the high protein diet lost significantly more weight than the women on the conventional healthy diet. So for the general population a high protein diet isn’t more beneficial than other diets, but for specific health problems it may be more beneficial.

    1 – Sorensen L B, Soe M, Halkier K H, Stigsby B, Astrup A. Effects of increased dietary protein-to-carbohydrate ratios in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010;95:39-48.

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