Emilee Firth


I find nutrition to be fascinating, exciting, and continually changing.  The world of science is always evolving as new ideas are being tested and hypotheses are being challenged. This ever changing information can be confusing and even frustrating.  The simplicity of eating has become complex with high processed foods, organic vs. non organic, gluten free vs. wheat, and increasingly more substances that are added to the “cancer causing” pool.  My hope is to shed some light on the confusion and open your eyes to the fact that most flashing news titles about nutrition contain bias.

I obtained my bachelor’s degree at Utah State University in nutrition science with a minor in chemistry. I don’t know everything (that would be quite the feat) but what I do know is that eating is essential and increased health = decreased sickness = increased productivity and happiness.  The best way to know what your body needs on a daily basis is being informed, doing some research, and implementing healthy eating habits.

Don’t think that healthy eating means all you can eat is apples.  My favorite food is brownies or anything containing milk chocolate. I know, oxymoron right? The nutritionist’s favorite food is chocolate. Does that mean I eat chocolate every meal day in day out? No, of course not. Do I allow it in my diet? Yes! What’s needed is simply a balanced diet containing grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, & meat.