Bok choy is low in calories and contains many phyto-nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. One cup of shredded bok choy has more than a full days intake of vitamin A and contains 52% recommended daily value of vitamin C.
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Blueberries are antioxidant superstars, ranking second among top antioxidant-rich foods. Latest research shows that blueberries may protect brain cells and help reverse age-related memory loss. In addition
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One serving of broccoli has only 50 calories! Broccoli is high in vitamin C, vitamin A, folate, calcium, and fiber. Folate intake is very important for women of reproductive age because folate decreases the chance of neural tube defects. Broccoli contains
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Research suggests turmeric can aid digestion and help relieve bloating and gas. Cumin, coriander and fennel are remedies for digestive discomfort. Research also indicates that turmeric and other curry powder ingredients may help to reduce inflammation and prevent the buildup of plaque and blood clots within
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Cocoa powder is made by removing most of the fat (cocoa butter) from the tropical cocoa bean. Cocoa powder is super nutritious; it is rich in Magnesium (27 mg/1 tbsp), Phosphorus (40mg/1tbsp), Fiber (2g/1tbsp). Cocoa also contains some
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